To export to UK
To export to any country and more specifically to UK, certain conditions are necessary, relationated with the product, the market and in terms of paperwork and procedures to be performed Continue Reading
Transfer Pricing
We have already explained what Transfer pricing are previously, and today we want to underline that it is necessary to know how control agencies act against those companies which don’t respect their rules. Continue Reading
Business in Mexico
Mexico is a great economic power. Many factors make the state one of the thirteen most attractive places in the world for business. Continue Reading
Property market
Nowadays Spain lives an improvement of the property market, which has suffered an important standstill during the last years and after the puncture of the building bubble. Continue Reading
The future Law of Due Diligence
That provides us 2016 in the area of the Due Diligence… provided that the polemic is served, in this occasion Evolutiza Lawyers and Tax Advisers it you details all the aspects novedisis that are included. Continue Reading
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