To export to UK
To export to any country and more specifically to UK, certain conditions are necessary, relationated with the product, the market and in terms of paperwork and procedures to be performed
We will determine in this article certain guidelines and criteria to follow, which are essential when it comes to export any product to Saxon territory.
First it is essential to have the necessary stock. It seems obvious that to get out of Spain and meet European demand is necessary to calculate amount of product that can be issued and able to deliver correctly and within the agreed timeframe.
You need to find a potential market that offers opportunities and, all countries have an institution that supports exports and imports, referring toSpainare the ICEX. We must add, the correct design of a strategy or business idea to carry it out, we can opt for either direct exports several options, franchises or licenses among others. To complete the process and studied well the opportunities and prospects, is formalized through a contract.
All entries or shipments taking place in carried out in EU are considered intra-Community supplies, which may be dispatch or arrival depending concerned.
These movements are excluded from any trade restrictions or customs duties.
VAT and excise duties apply in each country on the products consumed in their jurisdiction area.
There is also the obligation to declare the goods traffic between EU countries by the INTRASAT system for collecting trade statistics.
The requirements in export operations depend on the origin of the goods, country of destination and the product exported. A series of administrative and commercial documentation covering the goods required. What would basics:
- Customs documents: Export DUA (single customs document)
- Certificates of origin of goods: Certificate of Origin, EUR1, EUR2, ATR, FORM A.
- Commercial documents: proforma invoice, commercial invoice, customs invoice, consular invoice, packing list.
- Document of transport: Bill of Loading, CMR, AWB
- Certifications of different organizations: AGREX, SOIVRE, HEALTH, CITES, counter, quality, conformity.
- Insurance policies: transport insurance, export credit insurance, change.
If you want to bring your product to UK, Evolutiza Lawyers & Tax Advisors have highly qualified staff will offer all necessary to achieve it, if you need advice or have any questions, contact us!
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