Russia’s defense… lock market

Russia’s defense… lock market

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Because confrontation withUkraine, Russia set up at last time some penalize which affects to other countries included Ukraine, penalize that in Evolutiza Lawyers & Tax Advisor are going to  analyze.From Evolutiza Lawyers & Tax Advisor, and thanks to our specially team we came to tell you from the hand of our partner ukrainian the measure that the goverment has imposed against Ukraine and all countries whichs helps them, affecting them to Spain.

The first is established an embargo of all agrifood and fishery products from all countries which don’t  help Russia. At the same time, star a diplomatic campaing to obteins all that products.

At the case of Spain, the sell to Russiahave dropped a 43%, at the first  five months of the  crisis, reaching sells 650 million euros. The import by Spain have dropped too in a 59%. But they are not the only sectors affected, the turism is affected too, Russia is the 11 country in the tourist market.

The major beneficiary of the penalized are Chile, Ecuador, Brazil and New Zeland, they increase the exportatios of fruit, vegetables, meat, fish…

If you have interest in know more about how can the penalizes affect you and your business, don’t hesitate in contact us, our experts team can help you.

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