Investment opportunities in Africa. Discover Equatorial Guinea

Investment opportunities in Africa. Discover Equatorial Guinea

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EVOLUTIZA remains committed to the expansion and development of the African continent in determinants sectors for its growth and wealth such as mining and hydrocarbons .This time Cristóbal Gutierrez Ruiz, Evolutiza‘s Lawyer and expert advisor in Africa, presents a country was once Spanish province, Equatorial Guinea.

Cristóbal,  why highlights Equatorial Guinea in the African map?

Equatorial Guinea was Spanish territory until 1968 after being colony and subsequently province, maintaining fraternal links and a valuable legacy that is reflected in the use of Castilian as the official language.

What is your current political situation?

The country is governed by Teodoro Obiang Nguema, under whose leadership has approved a new constitution by referendum in 2012, consolidating a Republican presidential administration.

Why recommends investing in Equatorial Guinea?

he answer is simple. The language and cultural similarities, first, and more specifically, investment opportunities. Guinea has important reserves of oil, producing an average of 283,000 barrels per day, and abundant natural and mineral resources untapped. Your government is no stranger to the economic and social impact and has recently approved a sovereign fund of 1,000 million to encourage foreign investment that aims give way to a period of sustainable growth of the nation.

What can Evolutiza contribute to the potential investors? 

Our firm has historically played an important department dedicated to the energy and environmental sector centered in Europe, however, we are aware that the developed countries have little to offer because of the policies that have been deployed.

We know the history of Guinea, its laws and government agencies, adapting know-how derived from our experiences advising investors in Spain and Europe for over thirty years.

Our activities always are governed by the principles of excellence and celerity acquire a narrow commitment to reach the satisfaction of the client’s interests.

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